

What are the Skyscapes?

The Skyscapes is a series of 99 studies, with each study being a unique 1-of-1 digital original. I utilized a variety of remixing apps, tools, and techniques to distort images in my artmaking process. This particular study was designed to push my boundaries and explore new avenues for creating dynamic abstracted landscapes.

Instead of commencing with a blank canvas, I opted to utilize pre-existing images as the starting point. The chosen image guided my decision-making process regarding how it should be distorted, while the tools served as the means to achieve the desired effect.

This unconventional approach shifted my creative thought process and challenged my customary interaction with a canvas.

Where to find them?


The first 28 were released on Rarible as 1-of-1 and minted using an ERC-721 contract.


NFT Showroom

Then next nine were released on the HIVE blockchain minted via NFTShowroom as 1-of-1s.

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The remaining Skyscapes were minted on Opensea as a 1-of-1 using an ERC-1155 contract.
